Kubera Petroleum, LLP Corporate Governance

The corporate governance system, which is in force in Kubera Petroleum, LLP, serves to make the effective decisions that ensure the Company progressive and sustainable development in favour of all its shareholders. In the governance activity, Kubera Petroleum, LLP follows the world experience, practice of Russian business leaders, and national corporate governance standards.
Kubera Petroleum, LLP's corporate governance is based on the principles specified below:
  • Observe and protect shareholders’/ investors’ rights granted to them in line with the legislation, Articles of Associations and Company’s regulatory documents.
  • Provide the shareholders with reliable and effective methods for exercising their rights and protecting their interests.
  • Ensure overall management of the Company’s activity by the Kubera Petroleum, LLP Board of Directors.
  • Ensure fair and reasonable management of the Company’s activity by all Kubera Petroleum, LLP's governance bodies.
  • Disclose the true and reliable information about Kubera Petroleum, LLP's activity promptly and in full; ensure the Company’s financial transparency.
  • Implement and maintain the effective system of internal audit over the Company’s financial and business activity.
  • Acknowledge and observe the rights and interests of all concerned parties provided by the legislation; implement principles of the socially responsible Company.
  • Comply with the business ethics codes.